Creating a healthier community by providing health-related information to individuals and families

HACES Connects Clients to the Care They Need
Experienced bilingual staff help assess the barriers standing between a client and the care they need. HACES cares about the physical and mental needs of an individual. We advocate for low-income and/or limited-speaking people in an effort to create self-sufficient community members.
Our health programs are:
Immigrant Family Resource Program (IFRP)

The IFRP program’s mission is to listen and understand our clients’ needs and to connect them to the appropriate health resources and public benefits. The IFRP program has expanded to include two additional components, IFSP and IFHRP.
Immigrant Family Health Resource Program (IFHRP)
Our staff provides health education, and health services navigation by offering bi-monthly workshops and taking one-on-one appointments.
Immigrant Family Support Program (IFSP)
Focused on providing immigrant families with financial assistance for basic necessities.

HACES Connects Clients to the Care They Need
Experienced bilingual staff help assess the barriers standing between a client and the care they need. HACES cares about the physical and mental needs of an individual. We advocate for low-income and/or limited-speaking people in an effort to create self-sufficient community members.
Our health programs are:
Immigrant Family Resource Program (IFRP)

The IFRP program’s mission is to listen and understand our clients’ needs and to connect them to the appropriate health resources and public benefits. The IFRP program has expanded to include two additional components, IFSP and IFHRP.
Immigrant Family Health Resource Program (IFHRP)
Our staff provides health education, and health services navigation by offering bi-monthly workshops and taking one-on-one appointments.
Immigrant Family Support Program (IFSP)
Focused on providing immigrant families with financial assistance for basic necessities.
HACES has Real World Experience

Individuals were approved to receive COVID cash assistance totaling $671,500

January 2021 – During the pandemic HACES provided clients with financial assistance.

Were connected to public and community benefits, and resources

HACES partners with Rosalind Franklin University to offer the community free COVID Vaccines

Over 17,000 were educated about the efficacy and safety of the COVID Vaccine

HACES Workshop at Warren-Newport Public Library;
Immigrant Family Resource Program (IFRP)
Our goal at HACES is to improve an individual’s quality of life. A healthy individual can fulfill his or her roles in their personal, private, and professional life.
HACES case managers work to ensure that immigrant and mixed status families, and other limited English-speaking persons are able to thrive by reducing barriers when seeking public benefits (nutritional, medical, housing, psychological, childcare, and employment), as well as the support they need for proper health, well-being, and economic self-sufficiency. HACES is a trusted source of information and support in the community.
Immigrant Family Health Resource Program (IFHRP)
In December 2021 HACES was awarded grant funding to expand its Immigrant Family Resource Program (IFRP). Funding received from the Healthcare Foundation of Northern Lake County allowed us to add a health education component to our existing programming.
Health is a cornerstone of immigrant integration, as much as education and the ability to speak English. Various factors, from lack of access and economic status, to fear of deportation, affect our community’s health and deter them from seeking care. Statistical evidence shows that the Latinx population faces racial health disparities, and the leading causes of death among Hispanics are cancer, heart disease and accidents.
To combat these disparities among the population we serve, HACES provides:

Adding a health education and health services navigation component to our existing IFRP program was a natural expansion of our current services and strengthens our mission – to provide leadership, expertise and navigational support for immigrants and citizens, helping them become knowledgeable and empowered members of society.

“I would like to thank God for delivering me angels who helped get me through some troubles I've been facing.”
“Don't doubt in being able to receive help from them.”
Immigrant Family Support Program (IFSP)
Given the IFSP program’s mission of connecting clients to necessary resources, the Immigrant Family Support Program has been at the front-lines since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. While many feel the pandemic is safely behind us, the individuals we serve continue to be affected by health and financial issues. For those seeking relief to meet basic housing and nutritional needs, we are providing information and referrals. It is obvious to us that the needs of the community are great and growing as evidenced by the continued increase in clients seeking our immigration and support services.
December 2020- Virtual Gala- Joy to the World Part 1: HACES Community Involvement