Your gift was doubled on Giving Tuesday!!
January 30, 2023 | Author: Alicia Garcia, Director of Programs
"Here’s one example of how your generous donation is resulting in benefits: We helped 24 Applicants on Their Journey to Citizenship!"

At HACES, we give our clients HOPE for a brighter future by helping them navigate the often-complex immigration process, along with education and health services, to help them on their journey to a better life for themselves and their families. In order to symbolize this we have chosen a swallow with the name “Hope” as the HACES mascot. You can see Hope decked out in her various outfits on HACES.ORG.

This year, our Giving Tuesday fundraising goal was $10,000; thanks to donors like you, we exploded our goal! We raised $13,511.38, and the Healthcare Foundation of Northern Lake County (HFNLC) granted HACES a $10,000 match – in total, we raised $23,511.38. We couldn’t have done it without you, thank you for making the work that we do possible!
Here’s one example of how your generous donation is resulting in benefits: We helped 24 Applicants on Their Journey to Citizenship!
HACES immigration staff hosted a successful citizenship workshop on Friday, January 20 at Warren Newport Public Library! 24 interested applicants attended in the hopes of furthering their journey to becoming US citizens.
For more information about the immigration services HACES provides, please click the button below.
To find out how you can help at our next workshop, click the button below.